The S.E.A.M. Fund - Supporting Education in Apparel & Artistic Mastery is awarded to arts education and fashion design programs.

In 2007, when DOTC FOUNDATION founder, E. Vincent Martinez, started Doggies on the Catwalk, he was a fashion design teacher with a fine arts background. DOTC was created in the classroom by Martinez and his students and is for that very reason that the organization stands behind education, specifically the creative arts. The purpose and goal of the S.E.A.M. Fund is to provide financial assistance to school-based art programs in the form of grants to be used in a manner that will benefit students and in a way that would have the most impact. Locally, S.E.A.M. Grants have been awarded to Midtown High (formally known as Grady High School) - this is where DOTC began. The Penland School of Craft in NC has also been a S.E.A.M. recipient with the funding providing support to the school’s scholarship program.

As the S.E.A.M. Fund grows, the DOTC FOUNDATION will expand its reach by awarding more grants to more schools and programs.